Sprite Attribute Upload

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Revision as of 14:00, 21 December 2018 by wiki>Ped7g (Added extra info about coordinates from forum post.)
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Number $xx57
Short desc. Uploads sprite positions, visibility, colour type and effect flags.
Bit Mask %---- ---- 0101 0111
Readable No
Writable Yes
Subsystem Sprites

Uploads attributes of the sprite slot selected by Sprite Status/Slot Select ($303B / 12347). Attributes are in 4-5 byte blocks sent in the following order; after sending 4 or 5 bytes the address auto-increments to the next sprite. This auto-increment is independent of other sprite ports. The 4-5 bytes are as follows:

Byte 1 is the low bits of the X position. The MSB is in byte 3.

Byte 2 is the low bits of the Y position. The MSB is in optional byte 5.

Byte 3 is bitmapped:

Bit Description
4-7 Palette offset, added to each palette index from pattern before drawing
3 Enable X mirror
2 Enable Y mirror
1 Enable rotation
0 MSB of X coordinate

Byte 4 is bitmapped:

Bit Description
7 Enable visibility
6 If 1, the optional 5th attribute byte should follow. If 0, only four attribute bytes are expected.
5-0 Pattern index ("Name")

Optional (when bit 6 is set in byte 4) byte 5 is bitmapped:

Bit Description
7 If 1, the pattern will be treated as 4-bit colour one (128 bytes), 0 is for 8-bit colour patterns (256 bytes)
6 Chooses top/bottom part of pattern slot (for 4-bit colour patterns)
5 Reserved, use always 0
4-3 x-axis scale factor: %00 = 1x (16 pixels), %01 = 2x, %10 = 4x, %11 = 8x (128 pixels)
2-1 y-axis scale factor: %00 = 1x (16 pixels), %01 = 2x, %10 = 4x, %11 = 8x (128 pixels)
0 MSB of Y coordinate

About [X,Y] coordinates: 9 bit values allow for 0..511 coordinate. The top-left ULA pixel ("paper" area) is at [32,32] and bottom-right ULA pixel is at [287,223] (256x192 pixel area).

When sprites are configured to be drawn "over border", there is fixed-size 32 pixels wide area around pixel area (so called "border" in BASIC terms), i.e. coordinates [0,0] to [319,255] are coordinates of visible over-border sprite area.

All coordinates beyond these act as wrap-around 0..511 coordinate system, with sprite getting outside of drawing area, i.e. [X,Y]=[511,510] will render sprite in top left corner over "border" area, with left-most column already not visible (511 works as "-1" X coordinate) and two top-most rows not visible (510 works as "-2" Y coordinate), only remaining 15x14 pixels of sprite pattern are visible in top-left corner. Similarly sprite at coordinates [310,250] will render only 10x6 pixels of pattern in bottom right corner, rest of pattern being already outside of rendering area and not visible (assuming the over-border is enabled and not clipped by sprite clip-window).