Pi:console image

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Revision as of 13:22, 5 January 2024 by Xalior (talk | contribs)
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`nextpi-console_image` is designed to allow easy showing (and relevent manipulation) of JPEG / PNG and BMP images on the NextPi console screen.


Version: 1.92D Hardware Setup: Monitor attached to "Debug Video" port on Spectrum Next.



-h, --help Show this help

-a, --alpha Use the alpha channel (if applicable)

-c, --dontclear Do not clear the screen before and after displaying the image

-u, --donthide Do not hide the cursor before and after displaying the image

-i, --noinfo Supress image information

-f, --shrink Shrink (using a simple resizing routine) the image to fit onto screen if necessary

-k, --colorshrink Shrink (using a 'color average' resizing routine) the image to fit onto screen if necessary

-e, --enlarge Enlarge the image to fit the whole screen if necessary

-l, --widthonly Fit the image horizontally

-t, --heightonly Fit the image vertically

-x <percent>, --smartfit <percent> Show image by covering the whole screen if less than <percent>% is out of screen

-r, --ignore-aspect Ignore the image aspect while resizing

-s <delay>, --delay <d> Slideshow, 'delay' is the slideshow delay in tenths of seconds.

-n imagename(s) Image name(s) shown in help

-o <mode>, --orientation <mode> Show image in specific orientation (0 = no rotation, 1 = 90° rotation, 2 = 180° rotation, 3 = 270° rotation)

-y, --skiptty Shows the image only once and skips tty input mode.

Potential Features

There are no anticipated new features planned for this CLI API, or reasons expected to require to change the backend. The above are the all those as supported by the backend.