Machine Type Register

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Revision as of 00:26, 5 December 2019 by Ped7g (talk | contribs) (core 3.0.5 changes/refresh)
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Number $03
Readable Yes
Writable Yes
Short Description Identifies timing and machine type.

A write to this register disables the bootrom in config mode

A write with bit 7 set will be accepted in any mode to change only display timing (bits 6-4).

Bit Function
7 (W) 1 to allow changes to bits 6:4
7 (R) Next write to Enhanced ULA Palette Extension ($44) will affect colour byte: 0 = RRRGGGBB, 1 = p000000B
6-4 Display timing. %000-001: ZX 48k; %010: ZX 128k/+2 (Grey); %011: ZX +2A-B/+3e/Next Native; %100: Pentagon.
3 1 to apply user lock on display timing (hard reset = 0) (since core 3.0.5)
2-0 Machine type:

%000: Config mode; %001: ZX 48k; %010: ZX 128k/+2 (Grey); %011: ZX +2A-B/+3e/Next Native; %100: Pentagon. Writeable only in config mode, may affect port decoding and enabling of some hardware.