Development Tools:Linux setup

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This page collects summaries of installation process of various tools related to ZX Spectrum Next software development for linux OS users.

As usual with linux, most of the suggestions are in the form of command line command to be used from terminal.

sjasmplus assembler

You can also check the video of installing sjasmplus on freshly reinstalled KDE neon 5.20 linux, where is also extended info how to run the automated tests of sjasmplus, and opening it in KDevelop IDE to eventually write your own modifications.


On Debian based systems make sure you have these packages installed (git-cola and cmake are optional, but often handy):

sudo apt-get install git build-essential g++ git-cola cmake

Retrieving the sjasmplus source

Use git to clone the z00m's sjasmplus repository:

git clone

To update already cloned repository, do inside the sjasmplus folder:

git pull

- or use your favourite GIT client app to update the cloned repository.

Building the executable binary

The GNU make and common C++ compiler (gcc or clang) should be enough to build the binary:

make clean && make

To verify the binary was built ("dot slash" prefix to force running of binary in current folder, not system one):

./sjasmplus --version

Installing the executable

If you already have sjasmplus installed, use which sjasmplus to see where the installed executable is (and which installed executable has precedence), you can use this command also after installing the new executable to verify it is being picked up by the system.

Installing the binary in system-wide fashion:

sudo make install

Or you can install the binary only locally for your user (without root/sudo permissions):

mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
make PREFIX=~/.local install

- then make sure you have ~/.local/bin in your user PATH environment variable.

Checking if it all works

Open your terminal and type (in any directory):

sjasmplus --version

You should see version of the freshly built sjasmplus executable like this:

SjASMPlus Z80 Cross-Assembler v1.17.0 (