Clip Window Sprites Register

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Revision as of 00:20, 7 January 2019 by wiki>Ped7g (Fixing read/write vs index auto increment description, thanks to Garry help on Facebook to identify the mistake)
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Number $19
Readable Yes
Writable Yes
Short Description Sets and reads clip-window for Sprites

The coordinates are stored under index:

Index Coordinate
0 X1 position
1 X2 position
2 Y1 position
3 Y2 position

The current read/write index (which coordinate is selected) can be read or reset by Clip Window Control Register ($1C).

Write to register will modify currently selected coordinate, and auto-increment index (wrapping from 3 to 0).

Read from register will only read currently selected coordinate, index is not modified (to read next coordinate, write the current coordinate value back, to increment index).

The coordinate values are 0,255,0,191 after a Reset.

The displayed area is "inclusive", i.e. for default values full 256x192 pixel area is displayed.

Clip window on Sprites works by default only when the "draw over border" is disabled. With "over border" enabled, the clip window must be enabled extra by bit 5 in Sprite and Layers System Register ($15), and X-axis coordinates of clip-window are then doubled, see the Sprite and Layers System Register ($15) for details and example. Set it to {0,159,0,255} to cover whole pixel+border sprite area (320x256 pixels area of display) in the x-axis doubled mode. Although setting it larger (like {0,255,0,255}) should be safe operation and still the full 320x256 area for sprite pixels will be visible.