Divmmc Entry Points 0

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Number $B8
Readable Yes
Writable Yes
Short Description DivMMC automap control
 bit 7 = 1 to enable automap on address 0x0038 (instruction fetch) (soft reset = 1)
 bit 6 = 1 to enable automap on address 0x0030 (instruction fetch) (soft reset = 0)
 bit 5 = 1 to enable automap on address 0x0028 (instruction fetch) (soft reset = 0)
 bit 4 = 1 to enable automap on address 0x0020 (instruction fetch) (soft reset = 0)
 bit 3 = 1 to enable automap on address 0x0018 (instruction fetch) (soft reset = 0)
 bit 2 = 1 to enable automap on address 0x0010 (instruction fetch) (soft reset = 0)
 bit 1 = 1 to enable automap on address 0x0008 (instruction fetch) (soft reset = 1)
 bit 0 = 1 to enable automap on address 0x0000 (instruction fetch) (soft reset = 1)

Soft reset = 0x83