Code:NextBasic Snippets

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NextBasic Snippets

A collection of short, specific, commonly used functions usable in a wide variety of software. Snippets should be "side effect" free (no unintended consequences) and, where applicable, contain an explanation of any "Magic numbers" or obscure routines used.

To read a file of any type or size to any bank this will load myfile.bin to bank 22 (8kbs):

.extract myfile.bin -mb 22

To get the filesize of a file in to var fsize:

OPEN #4, "myfile"
DIM #4 TO a

Scroll screen up without prompt

poke 23692,255: print at 20,0;"Scroll my screen"
for s=1 to 20: print at 21,31;" ": next s

Select a file type to use by browsing the SD

.browse -t pt3 m$
If m$<>"" then .$ playpt3 m$

Change the font width to X pixels when printing

10 LAYER 1,1 : CLS
20 PRINT CHR$ 30+CHR$ 5  : REM 5 pixels wide

Get the current CORE version

10 DEFPROC CoreVersion()
20 %i=% REG 1: LET m=%i>>4: LET ml=%i&@00001111
30 i=% REG 14: LET i= IN 9531: PRINT INK 2;"Current core :";m;".";ml;".";i

Get Next version running

.nextver v
print "Current Next OS:";v
if v<2.07 then print "Think about upgrading your distro"

Capture the output from a dotcommand

10 DIM v$(768)
20 OPEN #2, "v>v$"
30 .http   :; this will send the help text to v$
40 CLOSE #2
50 PRINT "*";v$;"*"