UART Frame

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Number $163B
Decimal 5691
Short desc. UART Frame
Bit Mask %0001 0110 0011 1011
Readable Yes
Writable Yes
Subsystem UART
 0x163B UART Frame (R/W) (hard reset = 0x18)
 bit 7 = 1 to immediately reset the Tx and Rx modules to idle and empty fifos
 bit 6 = 1 to assert break on Tx (Tx = 0) when Tx reaches idle
 bit 5 = 1 to enable hardware flow control *
 bits 4:3 = number of bits in a frame
   11 = 8 bits
   10 = 7 bits
   01 = 6 bits
   00 = 5 bits
 bit 2 = 1 to enable parity check
 bit 1 = 0 for even parity, 1 for odd parity
 bit 0 = 0 for one stop bit, 1 for two stop bits
* The esp ignores hardware flow control
* In joystick i/o mode only cts is available